This includes all of the maps and the files needed for them to work. This last update is no exception, as it adds five new skins, a new map and more changes than you could shake a death-stick at. The Conversion Pack is a comprehensive add-on to the original Battlefront II. A conversion of Kashyyyk: Islands from Star Wars Battlefront 1. Or is there a way to only add the maps? Author Marvel4.
Star Wars: Battlefront II is a first and third-person shooter video game developed by Pandemic Studios, and published by LucasArts.
NOTE: A rating system has not been established yet but it's common for people to upvote a **map showcase thread** so karma works as … Every map works perfectly, now I don't have to buy Battlefron steam! star wars battlefront ii star wars galaxy of heroes home overview campaign roadmap heroes multiplayer progression heroes maps & locations game modes reinforcements classes vehicles news forums overview campaign roadmap heroes multiplayer progression heroes maps & locations game modes reinforcements classes vehicles news forums buy now Generally, these updates introduce new maps, skins, modes, and balance changes. Posted 1:07 am by & filed under Uncategorized.