Once you are done installing the Androrat apk on the client’s device and configuring it on your PC, you can perform the following operation on the client’s device directly from your desktop. Download AndroRat Full Version for PC and start controlling the targeted android device for free! Key features of the AndroRat Full Version Then configure the application on your server and that is it. In order to begin with the AndroRat hacking, you can simply download the Androrat apk on the client’s phone and then bind it with the help of the AndroRat Binder to any of the famous applications like social media Apps or games so that it runs anonymously in the background.
The client’s side AndroRat apk is written in the JavaScript whereas the server tool is written in Java or Swing.
It is installed on the targeted android phone in the form of a Client-side Android Application and is controlled by the hacker on a desktop thus is known as the server side application. So it is clear that that tool only works with the android devices because it is written in Javascript that is the base language of Android.ĪndroRat is a two-way tool. The name AndroRat is a combination of Android and RAT. AndroRat is a Java-based Remote Administration Tool that allows you to monitor a targeted android smartphone from your desktop server.