NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM foi remasterizado em HD. This collection includes: HD Remasters of NARUTO: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM, NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2, and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM. While the reception for this game was rocky at release, Storm 4 has improved through patches and its expansion.
Os jogadores liberam jutsus poderosos, realizam manobras evasivas acrobáticas e até correm pelas paredes e sobre a água enquanto disputam com seu adversário pela supremacia ninja. Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is the pinnacle of the Storm series, featuring refined combat, graphics, and over 100 characters on offer. Besides the possibility to unlock characters which can be used as supports in Ninja World Tournament, you can (and should, if you want to try out each and every character) unlock additional characters which can be used in 'normal' games, in other words those besides the Ninja World Tournament. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM permite que os jogadores lutem em imensos ambientes 3D.